📄️ classFor
Transforms all `class` and `for` props to `className` and `htmlFor`.
📄️ clsx
Transforms all `x-clsx` props to `className` with [clsx](https://www.npmjs.com/package/clsx) applied.
📄️ errorFallback
Wraps all components in the subtree in an ErrorBoundary.
📄️ hoc
Wraps all components in a higher-order component.
📄️ hrefHandler
Turns all <a href> elements into SPA links with a navigate callback.
📄️ ifElse
Provides conditional `x-if`/`x-else-if`/`x-else` directives.
📄️ loader
Renders a loader mask on top of elements with a truthy _loader prop.
📄️ transpose
Maps the element into another one.